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回顾:DVEO 布鲁特斯V


这篇综述将强调 布鲁特斯 V, DVEO的ip到ip多通道AV1, H.264和H.IPTV或OTT的265转码器(图1). 我将谈到布鲁特斯V在H上传输流的选项.264 and cover streaming delivery over var­ious streaming protocols such as HLS, LL-HLS, 光滑的流, MPEG-DASH. 我还将深入研究使用H.264和HEVC.

devo brutus v

图1. 布鲁特斯V


布鲁特斯V can deliver streams over UDP, RTSP, RTMP, MPEG-DASH, HLS with the AV1, H.264和H.265编解码器. 布鲁特斯V is geared for IP delivery and does transcoding to various flavors. It’s capable of performing in­gest via RTSP, SRT, RTMP, HLS and push output to UDP, SRT, RTP. The potential of outputting to DASH, LL-HLS, 海量存储系统(MSS)中, RTMP, MPEG-TS, Shoutcast is also supported.

DVEO 向互联网服务提供商出售布鲁特斯V, 内容own-ers, 以及通过流媒体直播的广播公司, IPTV /奥特, 和快速. Many of the company’s customers use multi-profile encod­ing to HLS and DASH.

布鲁特斯V运行在NVIDIA gpu上,支持视频编解码器,如H.264、HEVC、AV1等. 它还支持AAC、OPUS和AC3. Cus­tomers can send SRT to 布鲁特斯V and can then transcode the stream as well. Customers can also ingest streams to 布鲁特斯V and transcode the stream to another streaming output.


To get started with using 布鲁特斯V, log in re­motely to the transcoder. 所有的工作都在云端直接在布鲁特斯V上完成.

要创建流,请单击 + 选项卡. 从那里,你可以添加你的流名称,然后是源URL (图2). For my stream, I copied the URL to a stream already created for me on 布鲁特斯V. I followed the same process for the subsequent streams created in testing for this review. 新的流出现在布鲁特斯V上可用的流列表中.


图2. 在布鲁特斯云UI中创建流

一旦创建了流, you can test playback using the many options available from the Output 选项卡 of the 布鲁特斯 Dashboard. 您可以为DASH播放流, HLS, LL-HLS, 海量存储系统(MSS)中, RTSP, Shoutcast, 以及许多其他流媒体选项(图3). You can copy the URL using the copy button on the right side of the page. 还有一个嵌入选项.


图3. 查看可用输出



  • 第一个, I was interested in whether adding adaptive bitrate (ABR) streams would be straightforward or if it would require significant work. 因此,我开始测试为H添加ABR流.264, AV1和HEVC.
  • 其次,我对测试转码很感兴趣. 为此,我决定测试为H创建的ABR流.264, AV1和HEVC.
  • Third, I was interested in learning how streaming playback worked for my ABRs. 为此,我决定测试我的H.264 ABR流,因为播放为H.264是普遍的.
  • 最后, 我对使用VLC测试ABR流的回放很感兴趣, 因为许多技术和流媒体专家经常使用该工具.

我以为大学里的人和我一样, 俄亥俄州立大学, 能从这些测试结果中获益吗. 我们每周播放数千个视频点播编码. 虽然我们每周没有那么多的直播, live transcoding is still ex­tremely important in organizations like ours.


  • 为H添加ABR流.264, AV1和HEVC
  • 转码H.264, AV1和HEVC
  • H的回放.264 ABR流媒体播放器(THEOplayer和JW Player)
  • H的回放.264 ABR流在VLC

为H添加ABR流.264, AV1和HEVC

在布鲁特斯V的Transcoder选项卡(形象4),您可以通过单击“添加视频轨道”按钮添加abr. 默认情况下已经包含AAC音轨. 如果需要,可以将其更改为Opus或其他选项. 添加流时有一些默认选项, 但是您可以在添加它们后对它们进行调整. For my tests, I added 1080p, 480p, 360p ABR streams for testing.


图4. 查看为H添加的自适应比特率.264  

图5 提供了ABR流在转码器中的一瞥. 您可以从这里进行许多调整. Clicking the drop-down menu on the right shows more en­coding settings.


图5. 添加编码配置文件时需要额外的细节

在添加ABR流时请记住这一点, you’ll need to add a little more 信息 if you’re transcoding with H.264, AV1和HEVC. 除了简介, 你需要准备好加入额外的细节,比如预设, 水平, 参考帧, 关于Open GOP的信息, 是否会有隔行.

我可以加上H.264和HEVC pro­files without issue but had challenges adding AV1 profiles, 我将在稍后的评论中讨论这个问题. 为概要文件添加信息非常简单. 然而,我必须查看维基百科百家乐软件来添加我的H级别.264和HEVC. Users will have to be knowl­edgeable about 编码资料 to config­ure transcoding.

转码H.264, AV1和HEVC

在我的测试中,转码为H.264和HEVC效果很好. 然而,AV1的转码不起作用并产生错误. I believe this issue could be connected to a problem with the presets for AV1. 当我去调整AV1的ABR流, 我注意到通常在H中的设置和值.264配置文件出现在AV1设置.

我用了转码的H.264文件测试流播放. 一旦启用编码,然后为H添加ABR流.264和HEVC,转码过程开始于布鲁特斯V. 也, all of the links for your stream­ing outputs will play the ABR streams as well.

H测试回放.264 ABR流媒体播放器(THEOplayer和JW Player)

测试ABR流中的H.264转码,我选择 THEOplayer流测试器 (图6), JW播放器流测试 (图7)确认回放.


图6. 流式播放HLS在THEOplayer


图7. 流式播放HLS在JW播放器

I copied the URL from the Output 选项卡 of my stream and pasted it into the online version of each player. You can see the formatting I used for the stream I tested in both players in 图8.


图8. 在VLC中添加了流媒体URL

流媒体工作得很好,在两个媒体播放器上都播放得很好. 您将注意到,在图6和图7中,ABR流为H.264转码流出现用于播放.

H测试回放.264 ABR流在VLC

此外,我还测试了来自H.264在VLC转码. 该流也在VLC中播放. 图8显示了添加URL的位置.

表1 details the streaming playback test­ed with 布鲁特斯V and the results.

流式播放测试结果brutus v

图9 显示VLC中播放的视图.


图9. HLS在VLC中的流式播放

H.264-transcoded stream played great with MPEG-DASH, HLS, LL-HLS in both JW Player and THEOplayer. The transcoded stream also played great in VLC using 光滑的流.


布鲁特斯V boasts a tremendous number of ca­pabilities, the transcoder is straightfor­ward to use. 然而, the absence of a supplied online manual or a document that explained the transcoder’s inner workings left me uncer­tain about ingesting streams and many oth­er functions I wanted to explore further with the 布鲁特斯V transcoder. The 布鲁特斯V expe­rience could definitely be improved if DVEO provided an online manual or one available as a PDF download. 也, blog resources or how-to videos for various common tasks such as in­gesting streams, 启用发布和身份验证, 使用DVR功能, 添加编码配置文件将对用户有帮助.

就我在布鲁特斯V上创建的流访问而言, I was able to easily use that UDP stream to create additional streams to test playback and also to test 布鲁特斯V’s transcoding features for H.264、HEVC和AV1. 我很失望我不能用AV1测试转码.

Where 布鲁特斯V excels is in the just-in-time packaging to simplify playback into HLS, MPEG-DASH, 海量存储系统(MSS)中, LL-HLS, 以及其他流媒体选项. The streaming packaging feature provides significant time savings for testing streams in different protocols. 也, I absolute­ly loved having quick links to all streaming outputs in one place. And I appreciated the built-in player that served as a confidence monitor for verifying playback of configured streams. 布鲁特斯V闪耀着各种各样的回放选项.

It appears that 布鲁特斯V could use some tweaks as it relates to the additional informa­tion required for adding ABR streams. I gen­erally love having a significant number of con­trols related to encoding, 但我不喜欢添加太多其他细节. When adding ABR streams, I’d prefer not to have to add the 水平 for each stream. My preference is to se­lect the profile and resolution and have the en­coder configure the level for me. Maybe DVEO could provide an advanced option for users who want to include those details.

现在就订阅 最新一期 过去的问题


A detailed guide to 流媒体's 引领潮流的产品 and Services of 2023.



DVEO CEO Laszlo Zoltan explains to 流媒体's Tim Siglin how DVEO, 产品种类繁多, 在服务器市场建立滩头阵地, 在2016年流媒体西部的采访中.